On 22 – 23.01.2020 the 2nd meeting of the project team of the project „Young people – the new promoters of the cultural identity of the cross-border region” which is co-funded by European Union through the Interreg – IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria- Republic of North Macedonia was held.
The following topics were discussed during the meeting: current status of project activities, as well as ongoing and scheduled activities: A.3. Cross-border competition “Sh@re the Cultural Heritage of Your Region, A.4. Youth Cultural Promoters Camps (Level 1) in Macedonia and Bulgaria, A.5. Joint cultural calendar of the cultural events in the cross-border region of Bulgaria and Macedonia, A.6. Development of innovative online software for organization and promotion of cultural events, A.7. Design, development, technical maintenance and update of a web - portal and social media od the project, A.8. Production and promotion of short video clips of cultural/youth organizations of the CB region, A.10 Discussion forum in Strumicawhich will be held at the beginning of February 2020.
Source: YCP project